OzSAGE is a multi-disciplinary network of Australian experts from a broad range of sectors relevant to the well-being of the Australian population during and after the COVID- 19 pandemic to assist the safe opening up of Australia.
World Health Network
The World Health Network is a global coalition devoted to protecting health and minimizing harm to individuals and society formed as a people’s task force in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Website selling Co2 Monitors in Australia, with lots of great information.
The People's Solicitors
Smart and compassionate litigators delivering affordable legal solutions since 2007. The People’s Solicitors provide Covid Safe Schools with their legal advice and representation.
Clean Air Schools Australia
CleanAir Schools is working with scientists from the University of NSW to monitor air quality inside and outside classrooms, partnering with students, their teachers and parents to better understand the environment that Australia’s children learn and play in.
Clean Air Crew
A collection of tips & tools for an airborne pandemic.
Covid Is Airborne
Citizens of the world calling on the WHO to act.
Health Before Profits
Health Before Profits is a campaign devoted to fighting back against the reckless shift on Covid-19 health policy taking place before our eyes. Like and follow the Facebook page for more info.
Pandemic Parents
A private Facebook group for concerned parents of Australian children who want to vaccinate their kids against COVID -19 ASAP and collaborate with teachers’ union to make our schools safe for staff and students.
Government Information:
Australia’s Vaccine Agreements
How many orders of each vaccine have been placed.
Covid-19 Weekly Surveillance Reports (NSW)
Usually released on Thursdays, 10 days after